


[1] Yibo Chen, Hongwei Tan etc. Day-ahead prediction of hourly electric demand in non-stationary operated commercial buildings: a clustering-based hybrid approach. Energy and Buildings 148(2017): 228-237. 

[2] Yibo Chen, Hongwei Tan etc. Short-term prediction of electric demand in building sector via hybrid support vector regression. Applied Energy 204(2017): 1363-1374. 

[3] Yibo Chen, Hongwei Tan etc. target-oriented benchmarking of regional building energy consumption based on the Lorenz curve. Procedia Engineering 205(2017): 879-886. 

[4] 陈义波,谭洪卫等.杭州市公共建筑能耗定额的研究[J]. 建筑科学,2017年12月刊. 

[5] Yibo Chen, Hongwei Tan etc. Resilient regional energy benchmarking of classified public buildings. International Conference on Applied Energy 2017. UK.

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